
I have spent my adult life traveling and moving from one great destination to another. This wasn’t difficult since my husband was a United States Marine for twenty-one years. We are now settled in Hickory, North Carolina, and are happily growing some roots.

I got my NC Real Estate license about 8 years ago, and am excited every morning to get started with my day, and have to say the ups far outweigh any downs that may come my way.

I have journaled most of my life, and enjoy writing about the ins and outs of my days. I sometimes laugh when I shouldn’t, entertain my husband with my clumsy ways, treat the kitchen like my own Michelin Star restaurant, secretly watch reality TV, love a good magazine and think I can do all things DIY. Mix all of that in with selling real estate and it makes for busy days! Thanks for hanging out and welcome to Lora Knows Homes, Cooking, DIY & More.